Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Sunday I was honored to be invited to a baby shower in my (our honor). Carrie, Debra, and Gwen threw a wonderful party. Cupcakes and tiny sandwiches are wonderful things. Debra came up with the wonderful idea of having guests make onesies for our impending arrival. Guests at first balked at the phrase "craft project" (I guess they expected hot glue and sequins) but really got into the working on the little things and the finished products were FANTASTIC!Also, I received a lot of great stuff, books, sheets, sleep sacks, toys...etc. Thanks to everyone who came. I'm so grateful to have so many caring and fun people in my life!


librarymeow said...

Cute idea with the onesies! Looks like a fun shower! xoxx

Sarkathun said...

Said it before and I'll say it again...the onesie idea is fantastic!