Friday, October 31, 2008

Smallest Obamamamama Voter

So, we three voted early today in Durham. We waited in a long line (hooray!)--many votes of all colors and ages. Also, I noticed there were many disabled and blind folks, so clearly get out the vote efforts are working. The best part, in my mind, was that every time a new voter turned in their ballot, the poll workers would let out a whoop and a cheer and we would all join in. Go Obama, I say. I am really hoping that Obama's lead will be tamper-proof this election.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Obama Hopefermercial

It is possible to be both sleepy and inspired.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great Granddaddy and Great Granddaughter

Pooting Larva

Bath time perfected?

Our first bath event was a disaster-triumph. The process went appalling bad from the start -- baby didn't appreciate the less than ideal temperature, and let us know it, and parents kept letting Zoe slip (literally) out of the best positions in which to wash her -- but now we have it down ... we hope. Zoe is now taking to bath time as if she were rockin' out in utero. She's alert but calm and she graciously lets us treat her like a little rag doll as we clumsily try to bathe her. Here's a pic of her post ablution.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

And one minute later, she let out a giant poot.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hello and Goodbye


Cy Rawls and Tracy were the first to come visit Zoe the morning after she was born. Little does she know now that it would be a brief, one-time honor. R.I.P. Cy Rawls.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Sling Miracle

So, today has been kind of nuts. She is eating like crazy, I'm eating like crazy, and she seems to be getting bigger...the bad news is that she wakes up every 3 hours like clockwork and it takes forever to feed her...and when she's done, she gets hungry again in half an hour. Isn't that only supposed to happen with Chinese food?

So, after much fretting in the vibrating chair, I put her in a sling and she has been happy and making tiny, cute, non-hunger-related sounds for the past 2 hours. Sweeeeeet relief. Is it wrong to go to the bathroom wearing your baby, cause I totally did.